Saturday, July 25, 2009

~2 week only~

i already tell the story that i need to joint short course around two week before start entering my office. 25 of people joint that program. ade yg fresh graduate, ader yg berpengalaman keje. so dari situ lar ktorg kenal.dioeng sume best2x n sporting. so bleh dikatekn ktorng ni closed with each other lar. after klas ptng2x ktorg akan g lepak2. so bnyk mase spend ngn diorng lar. mule2x aku ingt x best sbb susah nk rapat ngn kawan2 kalu dlm mase sekejap.
tp semuanye silap. sangkaan aku meleret salah..hehe..skima ayat..
sdiorng ni sporting, suportive, understanding, caring, dan bnyk lg. pastu smlmeorng peserta program tu tarik diri sbb die dpt offer keje kt telekom. so die accept lar. name die nash. so aku sllu gak ngn die. yg paling latest ponteng klas writting skill ngn dier.haha.. ktorng g lepak kt umah dak program tuh gak yg ponteng name die paein.lepak kedai mamak smlm adalah hari terakhir die join klas tuh. so slps klas kire wat majlis perpisahan lar. huhu...sedey gak lar.huhu..
hopefully ikatan persahabatan terjalin akan terus berkekalan. huhuhuhu..

antara koleksi gmbr sepanjang kursus ni:

1 comment:

Aimi Ahmad said...

gi kursus pn nk ponteng gak ke.. isy2..

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers